For World Logic Day 2025 Jouko Väänänen will give a talk for the Cross-Alps Logic Seminar. Jouko Väänänen is a professor emeritus at the University of Helsinki, where he was a tenured professor from 1999 to 2018, tutoring 20 doctoral studens, many of whom are currently working as professors. From 2007 to 2014 he was the Treasurer of the European Mathematical Society, and from 2012 he is the Treasurer of the European Set Theory Society. Väänänen’s research involves several different subfields within logic and the foundation of mathematics, and he published several monographs on the subject. In 2024 he received the Magnus Ernrooth Foundation Prize in mathematics.
Please, contact Vincenzo Dimonte for any questions or the details of the meeting.
December 2024: Rizos Sklinos visits the mathematics department in Turin.
November 2024: let's welcome Alberto Cassella, the new post-doc in logic in Torino.
November 2024: let's welcome Alberto De Castelli, the new PhD student in logic in Udine.
November 2024: Let's welcome Davide Carolillo, the new PhD student in logic at the department of mathematic in Turin.
October 2024: Sebastiano Thei visits the mathematics department in Turin.
September 2024: We welcome Emanuele Frittaion, who joins the Udine Logic Group as a postdoctoral researcher here in Udine.
From September 7th to 12th 2024, Manlio Valenti from Swansea University visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
July 2024: Congratulations to Gianluca Paolini for winning an INdAM grant in the Consolidator line.
July 2024: Congratulations to Davide Emilio Quadrellaro for winning a Post-Doc INdAM, which will allow him to stay in Turin for another two years.
From September 3rd to 6th 2024 the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics of the University of Udine will host the XXVIII AILA Logic Meeting. More information here.
Model, Sets and Classification PRIN Meeting - Workshop at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics of the University of Udine on September 2nd, 2024. More information here.
July 11th, 2024: Salvatore Scamperti successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Salvatore!
On April 8th 2024, Fedor Pakhmov from Ghent University visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
April 2024: We welcome Davide Quadrellaro, who joins our logic group as a postdoctoral researcher here in Turin.
From 25th to 29th March 2024, Jonathan Schilhan from the University of Leeds visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
March 21st, 2024: Katrin Tent held a Lagrange lecture on the basics of small cancellation theory and their approach to the Burnside problem.
From 16th to 29th March 2024, Luke Gardiner from the University of Cambridge visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
January 12th, 2024: in celebration of UNESCO World Logic Day, we are organizing an event at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin for high schools to get familiar with the concept of infinity.
November 2023: Let's welcome Beatrice Degasperi and Elena Pozzan, the new PhD students in logic at the Department of Mathematics in Turin.
November 2023: let's welcome Gian Marco Osso, the new PhD student in logic in Udine.
October 2023: Martina Iannella successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Martina!
October 2023: Davide Castelnovo successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Davide!
From 11th to 15th September 2023, Noam Greenberg from the Victoria University of Wellington visits the Mathematics department in Turin.
July 2023: Claudio Agostini wins the Prize premio Franco Montagna 2023. It is awarded every two years by AILA and UMI for PhD thesis on mathematical logic and applications.
July 2023: We welcome Thilo Weinert, who joins our logic group as a postdoctoral researcher here in Udine.
May 2023: Vittorio Cipriani successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Vittorio!
From 22nd to 26th May 2023, Luca San Mauro from TU Wien visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
May 2023: We welcome Gianluca Basso, who joins our logic group as a postdoctoral researcher here in Turin.
February 22th, 2023: After the success of the first edition of "Verso l'infinio ed oltre...", there will be a second edition at the University of Turin's Department of Mathematics to bring secondary schools familiar with the concept of infinity.
February 3rd, 2023: Tsvetlin Marinov successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Tsvetlin!
January 14th has been named World Logic Day by UNESCO and CIPSH. To celebrate World Logic Day, the Cross-Alps Logic seminar is hosting Vasco Brattka (Universität der Bundeswehr München) for an online seminar on 2023 January 13th at 16:00 (Italian local time: UTC/GMT +1:00 hour). For more information, please contact Vincenzo Dimonte.
On the same day, AILA is organizing activities for the general public in many Italian universities including Turin and Udine. More information on this and other events are available on the AILA webpage.
January 13th, 2023: On the occasion of UNESCO World Logic Day, we organised an event at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin for High schools to get familiar with the concept of infinity.
December 20th, 2022: Descriptive set theory and combinatorics - Workshop at the Department of Matemathics of the University of Turin. More info link.
December 19th, 2022: Claudio Agostini and Eugenio Colla successfully defend their PhD thesis. Congratulations Claudio and Eugenio!
November 2022: let's welcome Andrea Volpi, the new PhD student in logic in Udine.
From 5th to 9th September 2022 Vadim Weinstein from the University of Oulu is visiting the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
From 28th June to 1th July 2022, Raphael Carroy from the University of Turin visits the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics in Udine.
From 14th to 18th March 2022, Alberto Marcone from the University of Udine visits the Mathematics department in Turin.
Ned Wontner is visiting the Department of Mathematics during January 2022.
January 14th has been named World Logic Day by UNESCO and CIPSH. To celebrate World Logic Day, the Cross-Alps Logic seminar is hosting Menachem Magidor (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) for an online seminar on 2022 January 13th at 17:00 (Italian local time: UTC/GMT +1:00 hour). For more information, please contact Luca Motto Ros.
On 14th January, AILA in association with SILFS is organizing an online meeting accessible to everyone. More information on this and other events are available on the AILA webpage.
From 15th to 24th November 2021, Asger Törnquist visits the Mathematics department in Turin.
November 2021: Vittorio Bard successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Vittorio!
November 2021: Let's welcome Lorenzo Notaro, the new PhD student in logic at the department of mathematic in Turin.
November 2021: let's welcome Fernando Barrera and Sebastiano Thei, the new PhD students in logic in Udine.
September 2021: Marta Fiori Carones visits the mathematics department in Udine.
September 2021: We welcome Francesco Parente, who joins our logic group as a postdoctoral researcher here in Turin.
August 2021: Quanta megazine has recently published an article about the paper "Torsion-Free Abelian Groups are Borel Complete" of Gianluca Paolini and Saharon Shelah. The Quanta magazine article can be found here, and Paolini and Shelah's article here.
The Mathematics Department of the University of Turin will host the European Set Theory Conference 2022. More information here.
July 2021: Manlio Valenti successfully defends his PhD thesis.
July 2021: Salvatore Scamperti wins the prize premio tesi 3+2. The prize is awarded every year by AILA for bachelor and master thesis in logic and its applications.
May 2021: Manlio Valenti starts his Post Doc with the Logic group in Udine.
March 2021: Peter Holy starts his second year as a Post Doc with the Logic group in Udine.
UNESCO, in association with CIPSH, has proclaimed 14 January to be World Logic Day. To celebrate this event, AILA in association with SILFS, EATCS and UNINETTUNO has organized an online meeting accessible to everyone. The meeting will be held on 14th January 2021 at 3.00 PM at this link. More information on this and other events are available on the AILA webpage and on the CIPSH webpage.
October 2020: After his PhD in Turin and Lausanne, Gianluca Basso won an IMPULSION post-doc position at Université Lyon 1 starting from November. Congratulation Gianluca and good work in the new university!
October 2020: Let's welcome Salvatore Scamperti, the new PhD student in logic at the department of mathematic in Turin.
June 2020: Gianluca Basso successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Gianluca!
March 2020: Marta Fiori Carones successfully defends her PhD thesis.
February 2020: Peter Holy starts his Post Doc with the Logic group in Udine.
February 2020: Maxwell Levine visits the mathematics department in Turin.
January 2020: Martina Iannella visits the mathematics department in Turin.
December 2019: Filippo Calderoni visits the mathematics department in Turin.
December 2019: We welcome Raphaël Carroy, who joins our logic group as a researcher.
October 2019: Rosario Mennuni visits the mathematics department in Turin.
Ottobre 2019: Lorenzo Lupieri Baglini visits the mathematics department in Turin.
July 2019: Claudio Agostini wins the prize premio tesi 3+2. The prize is awarded every year by AILA for bachelor and master thesis in logic and its applications.
Filippo Calderoni wins the Prize premio Franco Montagna 2019. It is awarded every two years by AILA and UMI for PhD thesis on mathematical logics and applications.
July 2019: The project PRIN2017 "Mathematical Logic: models, sets, computability" (Prot. 2017NWTM8R) has been approved by the Miur with a total co-funding of € 535.895. The PI of the project is prof. Alessandro Berarducci from the University of Pisa. The University of Turin hosts a local unit of the project (PI: Luca Motto Ros) and has been assigned a co-funding of € 148.228.
June 2019: Artem Chernikov visits the mathematics department in Turin.
May 2019: Vincenzo Marra visits the mathematics department in Turin.
May 2019: Giuseppe Rosolini visits the mathematics department in Turin.
May 2019: The logic and teaching conference "Educare alla razionalità - L'insegnamento della matematica e della logica nella scuola secondaria" will take place in Turin at the end of May. Further information are given in the "event" section.
April 2019: Information about upcoming PhD curses has been added to a new section of the website dedicated to courses (section still under construction).
March 2019: Let us welcome Gianluca Paolini which joins the Logic in Turin group on a tenure track position.
January 2019: Let's welcome the new PhD students in logic in Turin: Claudio Agostini, Eugenio Colla, and Tsvetlin Marinov.
The new website of Logic in Turin is up.